Comments on: 4 Factors Critical to Solving Restaurant Delivery Dilemmas Farm to Fork Safety Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:20:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adrian Jones Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:20:45 +0000 I like how you emphasize the importance of implementing standards for food service delivery, which involves all delivery partners having the necessary tools and implements needed so that you can get the food delivered in record time while at the same time preserving its quality. Another thing to watch out for is that restaurant staff should be able to package the food items for delivery without spilling or breaking over into the other parts of the order so that the quality is maintained. If I were to order food via a delivery service I’d want to make sure that the food I get is fresh and ready to eat just like when you order directly from the restaurant when you want to dine-in.
